Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Week 10 Done!

Hello everyone!
Well the rainy days have helped to get moving on these 18 credits I'm taking!! All done but two classes! WOW!
This class has been very informative of things that I either never thought of such as flick'r and RSS feeds and new ideas such as delicious. I have already used delicious many times in the past few weeks. I go back and forth from my Mac, school laptop, and the computer lab at school. This is a fantastic way for me to access those great sites from anywhere. I have also been able to add my new knowledge to lesson plans and my class website. Some of the new ideas I learned about will be great for older students so I will share them with my friends who teach middle/high school. At times there were some frustrations like when I was creating my voki or that my final lesson was erased when my browser closed. I loved the blog and think I may keep it up but write about my life and things going on. I found out that many of my friends have blogs.
Great class!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Week 9 continued

Okay, so I have been going crazy researching the Whole Brain Teaching concepts and I am including them into my teaching this year! I'm going to use my expectations/rules but use movements and the same method to teach them. I wish we could get this guy to come to Beverly!

Podcasting was so fun! I've actually never really understood them. I signed up to a few but I want more! I am obsessed with some HBO/Showtime shows so I signed up to those. I also found a children's story one but I don't know if the stories are too wordy. I think that might become a new obsession!

The online libraries are interesting... but my mind drew blanks when asked to search for books. I checked out top 100s and downloaded a few classics. I have an iphone so I have an app called ibooks which I can download free and paid books to read on my phone. They give you Winnie-the-Pooh for free! Soo cute! There are colored pictures and it's like a smaller ipad, which I can magnify the text.

Week 9 My favorite!!

Okay I haven't finished the all the tasks but I just wanted to share these awesome videos on whole brain teaching... I do some repeating and hand movements but this is fantastic!! I have a few to show you! I will be looking through the websites I found for this program! LOVE IT! WHAT DO YOU THINK?

This is a fourth grade sample!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 8

This weeks assignments were very interesting! I really liked the sites for books. I've been getting into more personal reading since I've been taking so many classes. I really want to find a new series to read. I like books where I get connected to the characters. I created a Shelfari account and have been playing on it for a while! It's hard to think of all the books I've read to build a shelf. I love that it has the most popular, genre, subject and author sorts. I have so many books I would like to read now! When I was in the book store a few weeks ago, I started to read the one with the words, 'girl" and "tattoo" in the title. I just couldn't get into it but everyone's reviews are saying to stick with it!

Google Docs is a great idea to lessen the copies of documents and to communicate more effectively with others. I think this is great for a business but I don't know how I would use it in my classroom. I think for older students they could have their papers/homework on there and give the teacher access to them to grade. The teacher could edit and send it back for the student to fix. There would also be no excuse for not having a copy or for forgetting it at home if this way was used. As with sharing with other teachers I guess this could work where we don't have a lot of time to chat with each other. Then again, the other teachers need to feel comfortable with technology and that goes back to one of our first weeks of this class. I have some first day of school forms which could be helpful to other teachers. It is an interesting way to share files.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week Seven

Hello! I'm a little mad because this is the second time I am writing this since my browser shutdown...grr! Anyway! I was wondering what RSS feeds were and the related orange symbol. I checked it out briefly a few months ago and had no interest. After watching the videos, I understand how someone who is connected to many blogs and sites which feed new information would find this to be useful but I just don't need this. I have a small number of sites which I check multiple times a day because I like to. It's what I use the Internet for... to waist time! HA! I know for some they need to get information quickly and so do I. That is why I have a personalized google home page where my twitter (stalking famous people/entertainment info.) and Facebook feeds are quickly accessible. I also have my frequently visited sites on my browser and on the new delicious account. I think that I am updated enough when I need to be.
Yes, I think that teachers can find this to be helpful when connecting to students blogs and current events related to subjects taught. Great for them and if someone can find a reason I would really need it, then I would love to hear all about it. I just don't think right now it is good for me. I am happy I know what it is all about though.
P.S. I love the delicious account! I was on a different computer the other day and got to access it! Fantastic!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Limboinlife: My class website is ready!!

Limboinlife: My class website is ready!!

My class website is ready!!

This is my classroom website! I am very excited about it. It has taken me all summer to get to public status. I wanted to make sure it had the basics and links. Let me know what you think! It is still a work in progress!


Week 6

First off, I love the social bookmarking idea! I find so may websites that are difficult to remember and pull up on the three computers I use. I created a delicious account and love it! This will be great during the school year!

This is one of the links I found on I like going because it gives anyone ideas of what is happening in Boston. There are times that I take for granted how close I live to the city and I don't take advantage of the fun things happening in the city. I also forget about all the amazing places to visit and tourist attractions that I haven't seen since I was in elementary school. I am a huge music fan and there are so many artist who come to Boston and play small venues. This site is very helpful to me. Although, I wish the Iphone app worked better.

Yelp is an application I also have on my iphone. I use this when choosing a new place to eat, drink and stay. People go on and rate their experience then others can use it for future reference. I use this when traveling to New York where my friend just moved. This is a great way for you to find great places to eat but also great for businesses who want to make a name for themselves.

Pandora is an application that I love and have on my iphone. Just the other day I was baby sitting a little girl who wanted to hear music. I opened the app on my phone, searched for kids music and there was a list of music ready to go! I have searches saved for artists and the app plays not only the songs from that artist but songs from artists they think you will like in that genre. I have been introduced to many great artists.

This one is called Classroom Games and it looks amazing! I thought I would share it with others!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Week 5

I am apart of the social networking generation. I am actually apart of the first group to use instant messaging. This was when AOL was the main connection program. In college it became a way to communicate to not only your college friends but to your home friends. I would put up away messages with silly quotes, ideas and feelings. I actually miss it in a sense.

Now there is Myspace and Facebook (twitter is different me). Myspace was what a person signed up to if they were not connected to a college. I liked it because you could personalize your page and put a background, pictures and music. It kept me connected to many people. Then Facebook opened up their doors to anyone...and Myspace is a thing of the past. I have been able to connect with about 265 people I never tought I knew! Ha! Actually out of all of them I think I talk to like 20 (not including family and teachers). Speaking of.... my family has really enjoyed this new social communication. We have connected to many distant relatives and are having a huge family reunion in August. All of this started because of Facebook. All the teachers at my school began signing up and I then created a group for us to stay connected in private. I do have to say that I have worries about teachers being "friends" with parents and past students. I think that is wrong. I also do not like when some teachers post comments about how horrible their day was with the kids. Okay, I understand that there will be bad days, but there is no need to be that specific when posting about your mood. Just say "bad day"! Continuing with the subject of posts.... I have about three "friends" who write the most depressing comments ever! It is all about getting attention and I find that to be so irritating. (There's my rant)

As far as Facebook with younger students and this article, I do see my friends kids or camp staff talking about schoolwork. I think it's a good way to vent about a difficult assignment which may help students to get through it knowing others feel the same. I do not like the fact that it is a very easy way for students to be bullied and to have it spread through the whole school quickly. When I was in school, I was bullied but the only people that knew it were the ones there. Now, a kid can post a comment and everyone they are friends with will read it. I think parents need to make sure they know what is going on with their child's account. I know if there was Facebook when I was younger and I was being bullied, I wouldn't tell my parents and it would ruin me. As long as there is control from parents and the child understands the concepts of Facebook then I love the idea of being able to have this communication. Although I think that it should not take the place of the phone or face to face conversations.

Twitter is different for me.... I signed up for it but honestly the only people I actually know are about two. The rest are famous people who I stalk. That is basically what Twitter is..... you stalk famous people, get update about anything in pop culture/media, and you post what you are doing every minute of the day (if you want). I use it as a connection to actors, singers, tv shows, movies, and sports.

Sorry for the long rant but I have lots to say about these topics.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Week 4 continued fun

Okay so today I woke up determined that something was going to load. I wanted to try the cube but that was not happening. I think through this process I signed up for about 4 new online accounts! I don't even remember which is what! Ha!

I love all the choices of fun things to do with pictures. Now I know where all my cousins on Facebook are getting them!

Monday, July 19, 2010


So I really liked the idea of making the fun pictures like a baseball card but I've tried to upload them three times and they are not working. I will try again later I guess. I have a Mac so I can do fun things like that with my pictures too. Mac's are fantastic computers (fyi)!


So I checked out Flickr and I think it is a great idea for sharing pictures with people. Although I have facebook and that's enough for me. Just like Betty White said on Saturday Night Live about no one really wanting to see your pictures ... it can be boring at times.
I like the idea of displaying the pictures in a creative way and that you can easily find someone in your pictures. Well, that's if the person took the time to tag them. Flickr does make it easy to upload pictures but honestly with Facebook and snapfish I wouldn't use this site. Too much work for me! Ha!

Here is the image I found relating to a Carnival Cruise I would like to take for February vacation. I liked how I can search for something like this and get an idea of what it looks like.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Just got back from a family vacation to Maine. My father has a house in New Gloucester. It was nice and relaxing but very hot. He barely has any furniture let alone fans or AC. The lake made it great during the day. Then we took my niece Gia to Story Land. WOW, was it hot up there being outside in the woods... Made it home safely and now watching the Sox in AC.

Wiki wiki

First off I really like the short videos explaining how things like the wiki sites work. Wiki's have brought teaching and sharing to a new level. Teachers are now able to share documents, ideas and websites so much more. I love how much is available for us. In our classroom, wiki's could be used to collaborate information throughout the year. in the school, we could have one to share resources and ideas. This is key since there is rarely time to talk with other grade levels throughout the year. I have a website for my class but now I'm thinking maybe I should have done a Wiki. Wikipedia is a tricky source. From what I heard in the education world it is not allowed to be used as a valid resource for research papers. That would make sense since anyone can go on it and add information. I do use it but I know it's not the bible.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Week 2

Hello teachers!
Just wanted to check in and say that the summer of many classes is going well. I am 90% through one Canter class, math class done, and the literacy class done tomorrow. Next up is continuing with this web class (which has been a fun learning experience) and starting Lee Canter's Assertive Discipline! I have a challenging group of students coming up so I thought any of these classes would be great.

(Side note) My goal is to get my masters plus 60 in less than two years. I have to take 18 credits this summer and next summer as well as at least 6 credits during the school year. That seems crazy but I messed up and didn't fill out my paperwork for my next raise therefore this is my plan instead. I'm motivated and love all the classes I am taking!

Hope all is well with everyone else. Thanks for responding to my blog posts!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Welcome to my blog! First off, happy summer 2010! I took this picture the other day in Beverly! The school year ended yesterday and it was bitter sweet. I had an amazing class that may not come around again like that. I will miss them so much! Great year!

I created this blog for a summer class I am taking. I have to say that it was easy to create the blog and sort of fun. It reminded me of when Myspace first came out and people would create these cool pages that represented their personalities and interests. Myspace is not as popular now but I did like the idea of personalizing my page.

The Voki site was not very nice to me at first. I created my hot twin and then she was gone. I recreated her to look even better! (ha!) Then I tried to record a message but it would not save. Therefore, I had to use the "computer" voice. It took me a few tries to figure out how to post it here but I got it!

Have a good one!

P.S. I really do wish they could smile!