Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Week 2

Hello teachers!
Just wanted to check in and say that the summer of many classes is going well. I am 90% through one Canter class, math class done, and the literacy class done tomorrow. Next up is continuing with this web class (which has been a fun learning experience) and starting Lee Canter's Assertive Discipline! I have a challenging group of students coming up so I thought any of these classes would be great.

(Side note) My goal is to get my masters plus 60 in less than two years. I have to take 18 credits this summer and next summer as well as at least 6 credits during the school year. That seems crazy but I messed up and didn't fill out my paperwork for my next raise therefore this is my plan instead. I'm motivated and love all the classes I am taking!

Hope all is well with everyone else. Thanks for responding to my blog posts!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Welcome to my blog! First off, happy summer 2010! I took this picture the other day in Beverly! The school year ended yesterday and it was bitter sweet. I had an amazing class that may not come around again like that. I will miss them so much! Great year!

I created this blog for a summer class I am taking. I have to say that it was easy to create the blog and sort of fun. It reminded me of when Myspace first came out and people would create these cool pages that represented their personalities and interests. Myspace is not as popular now but I did like the idea of personalizing my page.

The Voki site was not very nice to me at first. I created my hot twin and then she was gone. I recreated her to look even better! (ha!) Then I tried to record a message but it would not save. Therefore, I had to use the "computer" voice. It took me a few tries to figure out how to post it here but I got it!

Have a good one!

P.S. I really do wish they could smile!